
Unlock Your Creative Genius: Put some quality zing in your writing today, at your own pace.

Ready to revolutionize your writing? Join Derrick Brown, founder of Write Bloody Publishing, for a video journey into the heart of what makes creativity a tiny miracle.

  • This isn't your average writing class. It's a push to know your own magic, even if you hate close-up magic.

    What you'll get:

  • Cutting-edge techniques to ignite your imagination

  • Practical exercises that produce tangible results, you’ll write your best stuff

  • Insider tips from an award-winning writer on tightening your work

  • Holistic methods to quiet your inner critic

  • A transformative set of tips to push your creative boundaries

  • No fluff. No filler. Just pure, actionable content to supercharge your writing.

  • Bonus: Exclusive visualization techniques to unlock your full potential.

    Why choose this workshop?

  • Created by a working author and publisher

  • Proven methods used by successful writers

  • Immediate impact on your creative output

  • $49 per session - an investment in your writing future.

    Don't wait to become the writer you've always dreamed of being.

    Start writing your zestiest work now! Browse workshops below.

Sunset Reset Poetry Series

Breaking the Blocks

Writers’ block is inevitable. In fact, the trickiest part of being a writer is managing brain blocks. But with the proper tools in your wheelhouse, coming out of the trenches can become second nature. This class provides techniques for managing writer's block and overcoming creative obstacles.


Editing yourself, pushing boundaries

Creating is one thing, but revision is where the essence of your work comes to fruition. It’s grueling. It’s time-consuming. It’s well worth it. Learn how to expand poetic devices such as metaphor, simile, imagery, and line breaks in this class. This class also includes writing exercises to spark creativity and experimentation.


The best work you’ve ever done

Sounds like a pretty good deal right? This class supports writers in challenging themselves to break past comfort zones on the page. Complete with visualization techniques and tips and tricks to take your work to the next level, this class helps you understand the essence of making poetry more powerful.


behind the scenes of publishing

Delve into the inner workings of the publishing industry and learn how to navigate the submission process including how to research literary agents, write killer query letters, and prepare submission packages.


the comfy art of live performance

The Basics

Learn how to use your poetic voice to your advantage, how to deliver your poems so they sparkle in the context of live readings. This class serves as an introduction to writing for performance and understanding your audience.



You know tha basics of poetic performance. Now it’s time to level up. This class gets into the nitty grittiness of connecting with you unique performing style, with amply time to practice, as well as tips and tricks to keep you motivated, fresh, and excited about performing.




You’ve written the poems. You’ve done the work. And now? It’s time to share your talent with the world. Here is your how-to guide for going on tour.


budgeting & side hustles

You are an artist. You make cool shizz. But unfortunately, the financial compensation isn’t always as rewarding as it should be. Follow Derrick as he gives personal and professional insight into the art of “making it” as a poet. From budgets to side hustles, we’ve got you covered.


gig etiquette, merch secrets

How do you book a gig? How do you show up? What are the dos and don’ts? Derrick will walk you through everything you need to know to prepare for that time on the show road.


self care for artists

Creating of any sort is a grueling process. Without proper self-care, being an artist can never be sustainable. Taking care of yourself intellectually, mentally, emotionally, and physically should be a top-tier priority. This class will help you find your path on this journey.


Meet your guide

Derrick c. brown

Derrick C. Brown is the recipient of the 2013 Texas Book of The Year award for Poetry. A former paratrooper for the 82nd Airborne, he is also the president of Write Bloody Publishing, recognized by Forbes and Filter Magazine as one of the best independent presses in the country.

Brown is the author of ten books of poetry. His comedy album, A Close Shave with Heaven, released on Sub Pop, was named one of Paste Magazine's albums of the year. The New York Times describes his work as "...a rekindling of faith in the weird, hilarious, shocking, beautiful power of words." His indie poetry press is over 20 years old and has launched over 165 titles, with authors mandated to tour as poets.


"I found Derrick's workshop incredibly fulfilling! The depth of his knowledge and experience, the caliber of guest lecturers, and warmth & openness of the participants kicked me out of a long creative drought. And it was super fun with zero pretension. I couldn't recommend this series more highly."

—Mike Gravagno, Denver

"Ever get your mind blown with a magic trick and wonder how the hell it got pulled off? Well Derrick Brown is a magician and a certifiable witch that doesn't hold anything back in revealing a big bag o' tricks in his workshops. He lets us see his early seeds of inspiration, the germination, the growing of it, the trimming and coming to fruition. And he brings in guests like editors and great poets and producers to talk about their process and successful actions. All in all, a great bang for the buck! I thoroughly enjoyed it."

—Conrad Romo, L.A.

"This workshop was an amazing opportunity to explore the experience of writing. It provided an engaging cross between writing as a profession as well as a passion. The insights Derrick was able and willing to share from his time spent in this community were entertaining, educational, and invaluable for anyone looking to learn more about the art and practice of poetry."

—Joanna Haas, Fort Lauderdale

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